Orien Leasing with us you are on


Our Company provides financial leasing services for one of the youngest financial instruments on the Tajik market, on the most favorable terms

About us

OJSC "Orienbank", one of the leading banks of the republic, taking into account the increased need for the development of financial leasing in Tajikistan, decided to establish a subsidiary leasing company Limited Liability Company Orien Leasing

Our Company provides financial leasing services for one of the youngest financial instruments in the Tajik market, on the most favorable terms. Our Clients are organizations and entrepreneurs who are able to build long-term plans for the development of their own business, as they are not focused on small profits every minute, but expect to increase their production, sales, profits and expand their presence in their sector with our financial assistance.

It's not without reason that our motto is «Orien Leasing with us you are on top!» And these are not empty words, our Clients, faced with the problem of obtaining a loan, can count on obtaining the necessary machinery, equipment, cars on lease from Orien Leasing LLC.


Orien Leasing LLC is a universal leasing company, our Clients represent the widest range of industries, they are engaged in the following:

Capital Construction


Road construction


Freight and passenger transportation

Textile production and other types of production

Communal maintenance of roads and territories


Food processing and storage

Medical service



Sector of trade service

Economic characteristics of leasing:

Leasing is one of the most effective investment and financial instruments that provides a real opportunity for a company (enterprise) to update its fixed assets, modernize, expand production and increase the competitiveness of its products, start implementing large projects with limited own funds, maintain existing credit lines, as well as optimize taxation and rationally use profits. Leasing allows a company (enterprise) experiencing difficulties associated with attracting long-term financial resources to purchase modern equipment, machinery, vehicles, or other property and transfer om on new technologies, solve problems.

Our advantages

Customers of Orien Leasing LLC in relation to a loan or equity financing:

When acquiring property on lease, the lessee has the opportunity to direct his own funds for the development of production or trade, and not invest at a time in non-current (main) assets.

Initially, when signing a leasing agreement, our Client, together with the leasing company, can draw up a schedule of leasing payments that takes into account the peculiarities of the work of his enterprise, including seasonality and delivery conditions, and also bring them as close as possible to the cash flows of the enterprise - the lessee.

Orien Leasing LLC provides a full range of leasing services, i.e. the Company not only finances the leased asset, but also helps legally correctly and optimally draw up a supply agreement and other related documents related to the leased asset, takes the risks of transportation, logistics, acceptance, which reduces time and material costs for entrepreneurs.

The lessee can select the leased item through our database of manufacturers, since our Company has entered into a number of long-term cooperation agreements with the largest suppliers of various machinery and equipment in Russia, China, Turkey and Uzbekistan. At the same time, due to the nature of the relationship between the leasing company and the manufacturer, which is a long-term cooperation, Clients of the former can receive the maximum discounts on the products of these manufacturers.

The leasing company carries out accelerated depreciation write-offs of equipment (as a rule, the depreciation period of equipment is reduced by 2 times), i.e. the renewal of the main fleet of our Clients can be carried out much faster than that of their competitors.

Leasing payments are included in the cost of manufactured products (services), which means that our lessees get the opportunity to reduce taxable profit;

The term of leasing is much longer than the term of a conventional loan provided by the country's local financial institutions;

Our Clients are not required to post high-value property as collateral;

Leasing services are provided both to enterprises and private entrepreneurs with promoted activities, as well as newly created ones, since for a leasing company in the process of considering applications, first of all, the project itself is important, which provides for obtaining sufficient income to cover lease payments. Clients of Orien Leasing LLC do not have to have a credit history;

Leasing does not increase accounts payable in the balance sheet of the lessee (lessee) and does not affect the ratio of own and borrowed funds, that is, the lessee's ability to obtain additional loans from the Bank does not decrease;

A leasing agreement is concluded much faster than a bank loan. You can get down to business right away!

Simply listing the visible benefits of leasing is enough to suggest that it (leasing) can be an effective form of investment compared to a conventional loan.

“I have always used leasing – it was from this operation that most of my companies were born, which then became world economic dragons. We found mutual interest with leasing companies, I took old equipment, then I took new equipment, but I used leasing again and again, because my concern was production, not finding investors and grants. To be more precise, my concern was labor productivity and management efficiency, and leasing allowed me to put some of the care on the shoulders of specialists from completely different companies. It is a good tool, and now many people know about it. Then it was a novelty, and I am glad that I saw the future ...


Creator and owner of Matsushita Electric Corporation, Matsushitadenkiseisakusho, Nippon Industries, Panasonic. the richest man on the planet 1972-1978.


Customers of Orien Leasing LLC in relation to a loan or equity financing:

From 12 to 60 months, it is possible to increase the period by agreement (depending on the subject of leasing);

Stages of the transaction and contracts of Orien Leasing LLC

  • The client submits to Orien Leasing LLC a specification for calculating lease payments, a short questionnaire (standard) and balance sheets f.1,2,3 and 5, for the last 3 years.
  • Orien Leasing LLC calculates the schedule of leasing payments according to the leasing calculator.
  • If the Client is satisfied with the terms of leasing, he sends all the documents necessary for the case to Orien Leasing LLC.
  • Orien Leasing LLC makes a decision on financing the project (positively negative, conditions, etc.).
  • An official application is made from the Client to the leasing company, the Leasing Agreement, the Supply Agreement with the Supplier (Purchase and Sale) and the Insurance Agreement in case of a decision to insure the subject of leasing.
  • The client transfers the advance to the Company's account.
  • Supplier ships the subject of leasing to the Client of Orien Leasing LLC.
  • The client during the leasing period pays payments, performs current repairs of the leased asset.
  • At the end of the leasing period, Orien Leasing LLC transfers ownership of the subject of leasing to the Client.

Contracts involved:

  • Leasing (subleasing) agreement with annexes.
  • Delivery contract (purchase - sale).
  • Contract of insurance.


Dushanbe, Rudaki Avenue 95/1, 3rd floor. (in the head building of Orienbank OJSC).